Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Night Two Of Porcupine Adventure

  Our drunken warriors abandoned us rookie hunters. Which left us with 3 original hunters along with 4 miniature helpers. Our first stop was to pick up the munchkins. Before the adventure even started we had our first miniature man down! Gage my son came running out of nowhere, and failed to see the ditch. This is when he tripped and fell face first to the ground. Jon and Nicholia witnessed this first hand. Causing a uproar of laughter. Gage stands up looks around to see if he got caught in his oops moment only to come face to face with Jon and Nicholia and give a Forrest Gump wave and a "hey." Then makes his way to the back of the truck. Next while leaving our first destination I am backing up and almost hit the neighbor who is walking in the dark. Oops!

  Now we head to Shelley's to pick up supplies that we do not possess.(a friendly note: a swiffer is not ideal for catching porcupines!) We make it to Shelley's unscathed only hear hear out the back window my daughter Myla yell at Shelley's boyfriend "HEY MARCUS YOU LITTLE BASTARD!" Everyone starts laughing but me, I'm on her like stink on shit, "MYLA! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?" Her response was "This isn't where I parked my car." I ask "where did you see that movie?" Her response to that was "I watched it the other night." (Not one of the designated movies she was allowed to watch.) After telling her to watch her mouth. We finally get all the supplies we need which are, a trash can, a real broom and some luck. And we are on the road again. Only to find a black cat and a really creepy wooded area! The talk of back-woods-hillbilly-mutants started to freak the hell out of us grown adult. We were only on the road 30 minutes before the boys had all of our provisions depleted! This was after the fact that they tried to feed Myla licked Doritos through the back window. Needless to say they didn't get any Bubble yum! This night was a bust! But we got home at midnight with a 5:30am wake up call.

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