Sunday, September 2, 2012

I got your Cackle!

Let's get to the nutty girly shall we? I am a mother of two beautiful ornery children and wife to one giant kid who seems to love all my unfortunate quirks. Sometimes I think I have no filter what-so-ever! I swear I don't even know I've said something until someone has told me otherwise. What's it called when you have dyslexia of the mouth? Cuz I have that! I'll be talking and every word that comes out my mouth is just wrong! So I'm going to apologize now, I am an all over the place kind of thinker or maybe I just get sidetracked easily. And more times than most I am a  little slow on the intake."Do you understand the words that are coming out my mouth!" Hehe I love Chris Tucker (<--- see side tracked)

 I have a wonderful family and great friends! I will be getting to all of them in due time. All that know me know I love to laugh or as "some" would say cackle! eck ... Cackle? Really? I think of cack...ha! That's a funny word though! Did I also mention I say inappropriate things too? I guess that would be me telling you I have no filter! Have you ever known someone with one of those laughs that made you laugh even harder! Oh I have! FAH-REAKING HILARIOUS! I never realized I was one of those people until one of my friends *cough Headward *cough *cough brought it to my attention! He even went to the extent to show me on YouTube what I sound like. If you are remotely curious, Check it out! we all got a good laugh that's fo sho, thanks Heady!

There is so much more to write but for now......

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