Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Now let us gingerly touch our tips!

I just finished watching Role Models. That movie makes me laugh out loud ever time! I just had to share my thoughts. Stink gross! "Guess what I did last night?" (two finger salute under your nose)...eck! Has that ever happened to you? It is vulgar funny, but when its your nose getting the salute not so much! And shame on you for not washing your hands afterwards! Dirty dirty!
 Why do they call it The Whispering Eye? Hold that thought I'm going to go urban dictionary it....Whispering Eye ha ha! I love that site! Even though they didn't really explain the origin of the name, the definition still cracked me up!
OK the part that had me laughing the hardest and longest ..... Paul Rudd just got poked? Ha, pretend killed? And funny Little King Dude turns to find McLuvin (Wrong movie I like the name better than Augie) waiting to beat on him and Little Dude let's out a long winded fear-fart. Paul Rudd then forgets to play dead and takes off like a virgin at a KISS concert! Watch it! HIL-FREAKIN-LARIOUS! I can't look at Little King Dude without thinking of Hangover and his ginormous fro in the poonie region. So wrong but so funny!

Love Peace and Chicken Grease!

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