Monday, October 29, 2012

Night One Of Porcupine Adventure

  My buddy Jon and I get talked in to going hunting with the girls for porcupines. For the 4th of July famous porcupine race. Just info Jon is the only dude in a truck full of chicks! For this adventure we need spotlights and a good driver. Jon got duped into driving, I got duped into spotlighting one side of the road. {we had to have a spotlight on each side of the truck for Spotting our prickly pals.} We made it about 5 miles before we had our first malfunction. One of the spotlights fizzled out. Upon closer inspection the wires separated, one of the porcupine warriors thought they could fix it MacGyver style. But little did she know that her inability to fix it would "spark" a major problem!

  We are back on the road, suddenly it smells like electrical burning. Two of our drunken warriors saw the smoke then the flame, that's when they panicked! (You have to understand that it is the end of June and we were in the desert.) The spotlight goes flying out the window. Jon slams on the brakes while yelling "what are you doing! Its super dry out there!" He Jumps out of the truck and runs to the smoldering spotlight while listening to a bunch of cackling chicks. Only to find it laying right by a big patch of shrubage. Once the spotlight was discarded,we were back on the road again. Needless to say the porcupines eluded us! We did however send some of the warriors on wild goose chase after a couple deer! On the way back to town was rock-out-to-a-variety-of-the-first-30-seconds-of-every-song. While one of the drunken porcupine warriors sang (very loudly) in Jon's ear and begged for him to sing with her. Jon enlightened us that he has a voice like a song bird. But refused to sing because it was not an acoustic friendly atmosphere. Sure Jon! We made it home about 2:30 with a 5:30 wake up call.

Next Night Two.....


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