Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Mission WAS Impossible!

  Like I've said before I am a say it all messed up kind of girls. I never realized I was that bad until recently. You know the ones that say everything wrong, don't make any sense. The one that thinks she knows what she is talking about, but in all reality has no clue. HA! I mean I have been known to tell my kids to take the garbage out and put it in the fridge. Even better, the kids are getting in trouble and every word comes out backwards, upside down and wrong side up. Hell I got AstroTurf mixed up with hydroplane. I swear I am such a airhead! What the hell?!?!? I'm sitting there talking to a few of my co-workers and cant remember what a q-tip is called after many failed attempt of the word "Ear Quib" is  my final reach. I can only laugh at myself and trust me I am not the only one laughing! At the time my nickname was Astrotard thanks Drew!  I guess its better than Astroglide.

  Fast forward...

  Its a boring night and we hear that some of the high school kids are going to play a game of Mission Impossible. If you don't know what this game is, its where you start from one side of town and try to make it to other side without being caught by the people searching for you. I look at Shelley and say "lets crash the game and scare some kids!" So we grab some scary masks and head out. I talked Russell into dropping us off in town. I don't know where these kids hide but they are illusive little monsters. So we decide to change our location the end zone. So here we are sitting in the bushes with these hot ass masks on waiting for our unsuspecting victims. Nothing is happening so we turn on our phones and we get spotted by some kids. Next thing I know they are charging us with air soft BB guns, WHAT THE HELL! Since when is this game played with air soft guns, gawww I hate those things! At this point we are doing our best to not laugh, scream and cry. At that moment we brace because some boys come around the bushes shooting those horrid things at our sorry asses, we jump up with our masked on and scream, all we hear is WHAT THE.... WHO IS THAT!?! They take off running to their vehicles yelling something like" I don't know who that was lets get out of here!"
   We decided we needed another hiding spot so we take off running and we are laughing so hard we don't see the hole. Yes THE HOLE, I hit it first I mean I hit it hard, knees buckled face in the grass, OUCH! I lay there still laughing looking for Shelley who should be ahead of me by now but I don't see her anywhere. That's because she hit the same hole and she was laying right next to me. When we made eye contact, we lost it and broke out into uncontrollable laughter. When we got ourselves up and dusted off we looked up and there stood five possibly seven boys just staring at us. Of course we scream like a two crazy banshees! The the masks are still on our faces and we take off. Here we are trying to scare these boys and they scare us not even trying to ha! Later we find out that all the kids playing thought we were two high school students making out in the bushes. Nope just two chicks out for a good laugh.

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