Saturday, November 3, 2012

Day Of Race!

The day starts off hot! We gather Skip A. Long (the porcupines racing name) for the parade of porcupines. Gage and his buddy enter to race the porcupine. Nicholia is racing with Shelley's oldest son. As we wait for the parade to start Jon his wife, son and Drew show up to ride in the parade. During the parade the guys had few failed attempts to pelt our friend Yoakum in the head with the parade candy (he totally deserves it too). Finally we make it to the racing grounds. There we get ready to race the pokies! After a long and tedious bidding war over sponsors for the porcupines we are ready to race. Gage and Nicholia's teams have to race against each other with a couple other teams. Gage's porcupine makes a good start, then you look over at Nicholia and Taylor's porcupine and its made its way I into the audience. Gotta love the freed porcupine its not a real race until someone gets quilled! Needless to say neither one of our teams won. But we had a blast getting to that point! Next year we will be a little wiser and better prepared!

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